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Toyocho Vicinity     End of cherry blossom season in our neighborhood. Skytree tower in the background. "Toyocho" is our subway stop.
Kiba Park Sarue Park The Greenway
Before Bruce's arrival, I explore old haunts in the Toyocho Neighborhood.

1. Kiba Park
To wade off my jet-lag, I walked around the neighborhood. Luckily the sakura was still in bloom and I was able to enjoy the last of it.
Starting at our condo, I head for the Kiba Park nearby.


Children on field trips


Museum of Contemporary Art is located in the Park

2. Sarue Park
Continuing on to Sarue Park.




It is around noon. People enjoying their picnics


The petals are falling fast

3. The Greenway
I take a different path the next day. I don't want to miss any of the cherry blossoms.

Turtle pond

Bird island


Most of the petals had fallen in the canal.


4. Sunagin
"Sunamachi Ginza", "southern beach Ginza", is the old shopping street near Noriko's parents' condo. It does not thrive as years ago but is still viable and always interesting to visit.




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