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Asada Painting Exhibition     Nami Asada (age 97) exhibits her work
Exhibition Lunch  
Asada Painting Exhibition

1. Exhibition
Nami Asada, 97 years old, is a great friend I call 'aunt'. She has known me since I was 2 years old. She started learning to paint when she was around 60 and continued to well into her 80's. The Asadas were very close to my parents, playing bridge often and taking trips to onsens together. Now, she is the only surviver with my parent and her husband gone. Her daughter planned an exhibition of her works at a small gallery near her house. I was lucky to be able to attend the preview of the show.







She was a poet, too, with some published wakas.



Brings back memories.

Asada, reviewing her work

She seems satisfied

Her grandson, who is stationed in Shanghai, happened to be in Tokyo to visit.

Her children Kyoko and Hiroshi, organized the exhibit.


2. Lunch
Since this was a preview, an intimate lunch at the gallery.




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