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Kyoto Sights     Nijo Castle gate
Nijo Castle Museum Annex Paper store at Kyto Culture Museum
Nishiki Market Izakaya  
We visited Kyoto to see my relatives in Kansai. We were to have lunch with them but we went a day head to do some sightseeing. Kyoto station was mobbed with foreign tourists who had been restricted to visit Japan because of covid until April.

1. Nijo Castle
I hadn't been to Nijo Castle for a long time and wanted to refresh my memory. The garden was wonderful.



Bruce snapped a couple pics of the interior before the guard caught him.

















2. Museum Annex
A special exhibit of the work of a young Cuban artist at the Municipal Museum Annex. We went there by mistake but was interesting nevertheless.


3. Paper store at Kyto Culture Museum
"Tale of Genji" mono.





Restaurants across from the musuem

4. Nishiki Market
It's almost 70% foreigners now, at least during popular hours. My aunt laments that it is no longer a market to go for everyday food shopping.








Robot story telling of the history of the shrine.

5. Izakaya
We avoided the crowd at the market and found a quiet izakaya in one of the alleys away from the market for dinner.


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