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Sazaedo, the "Double-helix" Temple     Sazaedo, the "Double-helix" Shrine
"DoubleHelix" Temple Draings and text  

1. "DoubleHelix" Temple
Nihon August-Sept 2019
970 _19Sep06-nh19_1604_bw
945 _19Sep05-nh19_2254_nn
945 _19Sep05-nh19_2257_nn
946 _19Sep05-nh19_2302_nn
947 _19Sep05-nh19_2305_nn
947 _19Sep05-nh19_2306_nn
947 _19Sep05-nh19_2309_nn
948 _19Sep05-nh19_2324_nn
949 _19Sep05-nh19_2329_nn
949 _19Sep05-nh19_2335_nn
961 _19Sep06-nh19_1518_bw
962 _19Sep06-nh19_1523a_bw
962 _19Sep06-nh19_1523_bw
962 _19Sep06-nh19_1526a_bw
965 _19Sep06-nh19_1528_bw
965 _19Sep06-nh19_1557a_bw
971 _19Sep06-nh19_B1522
967 _19Sep06-nh19_1559a_bw We were bewitched by the double-helix in wood.

2. Draings and text
Nihon August-Sept 2019
As-built Section drawing (executed by students in recent decades)
As-built Section drawing (executed by students in recent decades)
961 _19Sep06-nh19_1520a_bw
962 _19Sep06-nh19_1520_bw
970 _19Sep06-nh19_1605a_bw Not sure the identity of the lute player.
969 _19Sep06-nh19_1601_bw
970 _19Sep06-nh19_1610_bw Other sights in Aizu Wakamatsu, a location of many important historic events.
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