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Kay on Memory Lane     Kay Returns
After a 12 year absence, Kay returns to Sunamachi Ginza and beyond  
We are surprised by Kay's insistence on visiting everywhere and doing everything she remembers on account of many childhood visits.

1. After a 12 year absence, Kay returns to places fondly remembered
Nihon August-Sept 2019
662 _19Aug27-nh19_1929_nn One of the ponds along the greenway.
664 _19Aug27-nh19_1945_nn
665 _19Aug28-nh19_1122kw Friend.
666 _19Aug28-nh19_1208akw
666 _19Aug28-nh19_1208bkw
667 _19Aug28-nh19_1414kw Buying some chairs at Nitori, a furniture store near our condo.
669 _19Aug28-nh19_1817_nn
670 _19Aug28-nh19_1823_nn The turtle pond, include Bruce, scanner and kappa statue.
671 _19Aug28-nh19_1924a_nn Crayfish catcher.
688 _19Aug29-nh19_1110ckw The paddle boats.
688 _19Aug29-nh19_1155akw Crawfish caught by "hook" and line!

2. Sunamachi Ginza and beyond
Nihon August-Sept 2019
663 _19Aug27-nh19_1940_nn A backdoor garden on the alley to Sunamachi Ginza.
667 _19Aug28-nh19_1218kw Sunamachi Ginza
688 _19Aug29-nh19_1245akw Sunamachi Ginza: koori. Delicious in very hot weather!
674 _19Aug28-nh19_2021_nn
674 _19Aug28-nh19_2027_nn The koori restaurant: this place is old-style because it's old!
689 _19Aug29-nh19_1443akw Subway map, central Tokyo
691 _19Aug29-nh19_1531akw Akihabara - not our neighborhood.
675 _19Aug28-nh19_2303_nn
754 _19Aug31-nh19_2201kw Sighted (under our feet on the platform) on the way to Osaka
698 _19Aug29-nh19_2150kw
691 _19Aug29-nh19_1554bkw
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