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US trip with Akemi 80     At Len's Japanese house in Nevada City.
Boston and Cambridge Eugene San Francisco
Nevada City    
In 1980, my friend Akemi and I decided to take a trip to US to visit our friend Hisa whom we knew from Honshu Paper company. He had left Japan in 1972 to immigrate to US. He had settled in Berkeley at that time. Akemi flew from Japan, I from Libya via France to meet in Seattle and then to take a Greyhound bus down to Berkeley.

1. Boston and Cambridge
I flew to Boston to see my friend Har and visited the Area.
Boston Faneuil Hall. It had been renovated to a fancy market.



Boston Harbor
Cambridge, Harvard
A new Graduate School of Architecture building had been built.




2. Eugene
On the way down to Berkeley, we stopped by at Eugene to see my friends Jenny and Don. They told us it would be cheaper to fly to Oakland than to take the bus. They booked us tickets and we got refund from Greyhound.


3. San Francisco
Akemi and I stayed at Hisa's apartment in Berkeley. From there, Hisa was going to drive his car to travel around Western US. First, We explored San Francisco.
Golden gate Bridge

BART started running to SF in 1974
Davies Symphony Hall just openend
Cafe at North Beach?
Transamerica building
Coit Tower

4. Nevada City
We visited Len and Biva at Nevada City. They had built a Japanese house for themselves, Len doing most of the work himself.
Nevada City




Yuba River

Len's house









Len and Biva lived in this temporary house for many years.




Aya and Biva
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