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Events of 86     Tami the navigator
Picnic Ojiichan Obaachan visit Canada Olympic N.P.
Yosemite Len's Tiburon house  
Events of 86

1. Picnic
When the weather got warmer, we went on a hike to Marine Headlands (?)















2. Ojiichan Obaachan visit Canada
In the summer Ojiichan and Obaachan came to visit. We tooa a trip to Vancouver, Canada with them driving all the way. Expo 86 was held there and we also stopped to see Bruce's cousing Vince who lived there.







3. Olympic N.P.
We took a detour to the Olympic N.P. but had very little time there.




4. Yosemite
Camping in Yosemite.





5. Len's Tiburon house
Len was building a Japanese house on speculation at Tiburon. We went to visit him and saw him building a very elaborate house for some rich people. Later, when it was finished, I heard it sold to a doctor.



Hinoki bath tub











Spectacular view
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