Prev: Visit Bruce 82   (9 total pages) Click on any for a larger view   Next: Prince St.
Events of 83     Hiking at Pt. Reyes with Linda
Berkeley and SF Pt. Reyes hike Eugene and Shasta
Angel Island Stinson Beach Akemi visit
Laura visit Xmas  
Events of 83. After coming back from around the world trip in Nov. '82, we try to settle in Berkeley. The Blake Street apartment was a little too small for the three of us so we looked for a bigger place.

1. Berkeley and SF
In '83, I started working for Hokubei Mainichi, a Japanese-English newspaper headquartered in SF. Bruce got a job at ICG, in San Rafael. We both had to commute. Meanwhile I had to get reaquainted with Berkeley and the neighborhood.
Maintaining the Volvo.

Christian Science Church designed by Maybeck.




Cherryblossom Festival, Japan Town, SF.

2. Pt. Reyes hike
Hike at Pt. Reyes.



















3. Eugene and Shasta
We visited Don and Jenny in Eugene, Oregon. The view of Shasta was beautiful.
Don, Jenny and Margia.




4. Angel Island
Picnic at Angel Island with Linda and friends.










5. Stinson Beach
We bought a house on Prince St. that required a lot of work. Dave came to help with demolition of the garage. Here, we are taking a break at Stinson Beach.






6. Akemi visit
When the house became somewhat habitable, Akemi came to visit. We also took a trip to Sea Ranch and Mendocino.
Sea Ranch, designed as planned community by several famous architects.







Camping in Mendocino

























7. Laura visit
Laura came out to visit us for Thaksgiving, '83. We drove her to visit her best friend Marjorie who lived further up north in Yreka, Ca.











Stopping at a rest stop to enjoy the view of Shasta on the way back.


8. Xmas
First Xmas at Prince St. We got a small Xmas tree and decorated with some decorations Hisa's niece Fukiko gave us.



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