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Yasugi     Japan Sea side - the fish is good, the local sake is good, all is good.
Yasugi-bushi performance Adachi Museum Izakaya
"Why Yasugi?" The first stop on our road trip. See "Adachi" and "Wakou" for the sample we crammed into our short stay.

1. Yasugi-bushi performance
The main attraction of Yasugi was the Adachi Museum of Art. At the same location is Yasugibushi Performance Hall. Apparently this Dojosukui (catching loach) dance has been a regional attraction since Meiji times.
Yasugi station. This aging station flings me back to 1982, travelling Western Japan with Noriko.



The performer chases the loach into his basket.


Audience participation. The girl was so cute.



Manhole covers seen in town.

2. Adachi Museum
This was our main goal in Yasugi. Noriko had heard about this for years. The garden was nice indeed but the viewers were not allowed to go out and stroll around, only viewing from the museum. The collection is mainly renowned for "Nihon-ga", Japanese style painting. Bruce found this unengaging. Pictures of anything but the garden were prohibited.














3. Izakaya
We four have never, ever done this. In Tokyo, Koichi cannot drink because he's the family chauffer. On this trip the "party animal" was unleashed.


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