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Yoshinogari Site     Yoshinogari site from the Yayoi period (4 century BC - 3 century AD) was not seriously studied until the 1980's. It was designated important cultural site in 1991.We stopped by for a few hours before continuing to Kagoshima.
Yoshinogari Site    
Yoshinogari Site

1. Yoshinogari Site
Yoshinogari Site covers a large area with many villages. People began to settle around Yoshinogari during 4th century BC. As it grew to be several villages, they built diches around the area to protect from outside attacks. Replica of some buildings were built for the tourists in parts of the site but the digging and research is still ongoing.
The outer ditches and stakes for protection.
Wild boar sculpture
Overview platform with two watch towers in the background.


Building of the village replica continues.
























They are still digging for more findings.
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