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Shizuoka Holiday     Our ryokan room had a private bath on the deck. Enjoying a dip before breakfast.
Mt. Fuji Onsen Sightseeing
Shizuoka Holiday

1. Mt. Fuji
Mt Fuji from Shinkansen.



2. Onsen
My cousins and I try to meet at onsen near Shizuoka where Mieko lives when I go back to Japan. Shizuyo, her sister, has joined us from Shiga prefecture. We arrived at the place in time for a dip dinner. The next day, we discovered there was a private bath on the deck. I filled it and we had fun taking pictures before breakfast.






3. Sightseeing
After breakfast, we visited Kunozan Toshogu nearby, where the first shogun Tokugawa Ieyasu was actually buried. It resembled Nikko Toshogu on a much smaller scale but there were many stairs and my older cousin had to wait midway.
Gift shops at the hotel.


Before going to Kunozan, we stopped by to take a ropeway to Nihondaira for a view.


Stairs at Kunozan.

Toshogu, shrine for the first shogun.

First shogun, Tokugawa Ieyasu's grave,

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