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Kagohima Reprise     Kirishima Jingu Shrine
Kirishima Shrine Mask Museum Cold long wait, long ride
Kagohima Reprise

1. Kirishima Shrine
Flying back to Kagoshima Airport, we stayed at a worst inn I've stayed in Japan near the airport. It was old and not well maintained, we even saw a cockroach which I killed. Because of that or because of my cold I could hardly sleep that night and my cold got a lot worse. The public transportation around the airport was not good and we had to take a taxi to the Kirishima Jingu shrine. Kirishima Jingu is the largest Shinto shrine in Southern Kyushu. It was said to be founded in 6th centry AD near Takachiho mountains where it was supposed to be the place where the gods decended from Heaven. However, since it was near the vocano, the buildings burnt many times. In 1484, it was moved to the present location but also burnt several times. The present building was built in 1715 by Shimazu Yoshitaka.



















2. Mask Museum
Kirishima Shrine is known for its Kumen Daiko (nine mask taiko drum) performed on New Years Day. This mask museum probably originates because of it.






















3. Cold long wait, long ride
We took a bus to the train station but our train was hours away. The station was closed for rennovation. No food vendors were anywhere near. There were no seats in the platform. It was sunny but cold and windy wait.






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