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Tour of Taliesin West     This visit: a forty-year desire fulfilled.
Pre-Tour Starting point Studio
Bruce's detail Studio exterior Main exterior
Living room Bedroom suite Outside living room
Media room (?) Outside Main Studio Theater
Small theater (Cabaret?)    
Bruce has always wanted to see it. Due to COVID, all such places require advance reservations and they are precious. We bent our schedule to the available.

1. Pre-Tour
On our entire route we had to move fast. Due to COVID, every visit we had to book in advance. So we were moving at greatest speed from place to place. Lunches were low priority. We hastily consume our supermarket salad squatting in the shade of the parking shed a few minutes prior to our tour.

2. Starting point
_21may08-n_0044.jpg Wright, like Andy Warhol, was an insatiable collector of art and of bric-a-brac. It's wonderful bric-a-brac though.
_21may08-k_1306.jpg Petroglyph shamelessly looted by Wright from the nearby countryside.

3. Studio
Wonderful space, but uninhabitable without AC. Inconspicuous ducts lead to a huge AC apparatus some distance away. Wright and his devotees knew nothing of solar design. Nor did anyone at that time.

4. Bruce's detail
The guide invited us to look beneath and behind, and I did. In my young days I tried to make furniture like this. Only where Wright prevailed has such furniture not been burned in fury by those who tried to use it.

5. Studio exterior
Wonderful; impractical on so many counts.

6. Main exterior
The postcard shots.
_21may08-n_0113.jpg The view from the building to the desert.

7. Living room
Speaks for itself.

8. Bedroom suite

9. Outside living room
_21may08-b_1320a.jpg Reportedly this sprite was found at the bottom of Lake Michigan, one of the originals of Midway Gardens.

10. Media room (?)

11. Outside Main Studio
_21may08-k_1339a.jpg This performs for the observer with its sound.

12. Theater
Wright loved performing arts.

13. Small theater (Cabaret?)
One of many spaces of which I had never seen photos. Taliesin evolved over time. This was among the later-built.
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