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Our Road Trip     909 miles driven. It was good!
Aqua Fria Natl Monument Dinners, Breakfasts, Hotels  
COVID restricted our eating and touristing options. But we had some good times.

1. Aqua Fria Natl Monument
A sign along the road to Arcosanti announced "Aqua Fria National Monument." Noriko said "this is ...."; it sounded like we had to take a look but we had only 15 minutes to spare. Typical over-ambition.
It proved to be a long, rough, 10 mph maximum dirt road. At the ford we gave up and turned back.
_21may06-k_1022.jpg View down the river.

2. Dinners, Breakfasts, Hotels
COVID narrowed the food options. We were grateful for the leftover food we had brought from home the first couple of days. When we connected with good food or drink we where grateful.
We did not suffer.
_21may10-n_2021.jpg Hearty breakfasts provided by our hotel in Tucson. Wonderful dining setting.
_21may10-n_2044.jpg Vicinity of our hotel, Tucson.
_21may10-n_2029.jpg View from the dining balcony, Tucson.
_21may09-k_2034.jpg Takeout dinner in the motel in Tucson.
_21may10-b_0751.jpg Improvisations on the road: Bruce addesses annoying use of plastic cup as toothbrush holders by some fellow travelers.
_21may10-k_1854a.jpg Happy Hour on our last night, Tucson.
_21may04-k_1652.jpg Our rental car is a vagabond.
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