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Heard Museum     None of the books in the museum store satisfied my interest. I made a second visit to systematically photograph.
Kachinas Jewelry Peoples
Pottery Miscellaneous Museum Origins
Pueblo Grande Museum    
The mission of the Heard Museum is to be the world’s preeminent museum for the presentation, interpretation and advancement of American Indian art, emphasizing its intersection with broader artistic and cultural themes. Since its founding in 1929, the Heard Museum has grown in size and stature.This collection, in addition to our visit to Chaco Canyon and to other locations on trip Southwest II, have stoked an interest in Native American culture I hope for time to pursue.

1. Kachinas
I returned to photograph this collection, as well as samples of other traditional art. A culture that can produce this can, I think, achieve anything of material culture it so pleases. It so happens this culture expressed itself through kachinas, costume, pottery, jewelry.

2. Jewelry

3. Peoples

4. Pottery

5. Miscellaneous

6. Museum Origins
Capsule history of the museum.

7. Pueblo Grande Museum
(NOT the Heard Museum; A different location in Phoenix.)
Pueblo Grande is an archeological park in Phoenix dedicated to the Hohokam, an important native people and history. It was closed due to COVID. We were able to walk the "two-thirds of a mile interpretive trail which travels around the remains of the ballcourt and platform mound constructed by the ancestral Sonoran Desert people, identified by archaeologists as the Hohokam culture." The Hohokam built and maintained an aqueduct system of vast size. They were regarded by native peers as wealthy, placid, "upper middle class."
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