Prev: Autumn 2010   (6 total pages) Click on any for a larger view   Next: Design and groundbreaking
2011 Commences     The work took a beating in the winter.
One man show - slow moving  
2011 Commences

1. One man show - slow moving
A storm blew off all the corrugated fiberglass and the 16' 2x4's holding it down. Flying boards crushed various nearby features such as the garden fence. The building was innundated several times.
You can't have too many ladders.
Lumber load #2 has arrived.







Hated fiberglass. Good to have, though.

There is much to bury - many pipes and conduits.
Winter is the right time to dig.




Antonio said he knows some framing. His spoken English is not excellent. With no idea how it would go I cut and color-code all the boards for an entire story of walls.

Prev: Autumn 2010   (6 total pages) Click on any for a larger view   Next: Design and groundbreaking

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