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Autumn 2010     The days grow shorter and colder. Progress is slow.
But winter is approaching    
Autumn 2010

1. But winter is approaching
Days grow shorter. Weeks spin by. With September comes a possible early thunderstorm.


In fact, we got very early rain, .5 inches. Fortunately I had covered the floor decks. Thereafter floor decks must stay covered.



























October. Desperate to bring this phase to conclusion prior to the rains.

The weekend I spent re-threading every one of the foundation bolds. A whole weekend is lost.
My companion: not a carpenter but a face that holds away despair.
Days are growing short; we can't waste daylight on frivolus activies like eating. But "Chez Noriko" is delightful after dark.









It has rained heavily - 6-8" my neighbors reported. The building was not adequately protected against such heavy early rain.

Day of second inspection. The building passed, but did not spare me the disdain of the inspector. It is now wrapped "for a long Winter's nap."
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