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SeaLionCave     A 208 foot elevator lowers us to Sea Lion Caves.
5 Cave tour 6 Brief Stop South of Caves  
Sea Lion Caves is one of the great sea caves of the world, and currently ranks 10th among the world's longest sea caves.With a measured length of 1315 feet, it is the longest in the United States. A comparable cave is the undeveloped Painted Cave on Santa Cruz Island, California, which is 1227 feet long. The sea level portion of this cave and the sea cliff rocks just outside the cave have become, over the centuries, the only known mainland rookery and hauling area (wintering home) of the Steller's sea lion and—to a lesser extent—theCalifornia sea lion.
Alas, the sea lions were elsewhere on the day we visited.

1. 5 Cave tour

2. 6 Brief Stop South of Caves
We have entered Oregon dunes formation.
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