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Florence     Early morning sun hits Florence Oldtown.
7 Heceta Beach 8 Old Town Florence River Roasters Coffee
Bridge View History  
We over-nighted in this vicinity. This oldtown gets a 5 out of 5.

1. 7 Heceta Beach
This vast beach lies before Kay's overnight resort. (B and N stayed at the budget place some miles away.)

2. 8 Old Town Florence
Old town - dinner, and early the following morning.

3. River Roasters Coffee
5 out of 5. When I arrived a little before 7 am there was a line waiting for it to open. I enoyed the sunrise on the river and the bridge as I consumed coffee on the deck.

4. Bridge View
View of the McCullough bridge from the cafe, from Florence old town and from the bridge.

5. History
This little place has a plenty of history.
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