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Ben Discoe Farm     Tea "plantation";Japanese carpentry
Visit farm and house    
I worked with Ben for about five years. Two years ago he resigned and left for Hawaii. He is one of the rare software engineers for whom
software writing is a means not an end. This is culumination of a long-duration plan. Years back he had bought this land and contracted
with his father to build him a house. He returned to the mainland to tech and worked at Leica for five years to pay for these.
Now he is a tea farmer. His mother lives on the parcel but we did not meet her. Is this his final act?

1. Visit farm and house
Ben explains the garden and his methods.
The tea "plantation"
_20mar03-1633_k.jpg Ben's house, built by his father Paul Discoe. Paul is the most renowned Japanese carpenter in the United States, the builder of Larry Ellison's Japanese mansion.
Bruce closely examines the nails, the joinery, the wood.
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