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More interior finish     None of this is required for final inspection but IS required for comfort.
Bathroom tile Painting Interior trim production
Pipe damaged by sheetrock Woodstove! Bathroom fixtures
More interior finish

1. Bathroom tile










2. Painting


3. Interior trim production
Poplar boards are planed from 13/16" down to desirable thickness, 9/16".



4. Pipe damaged by sheetrock

The sheetrocking had damaged a water pipe resulting in a within-wall leak. It was impossible to guess the locaiton of the leak. I perforated the wall until I found the leak. My thinnking, it is much easer to repair neat holes like these than to tear open the whole wall.

5. Woodstove!
This was a welcome addition! It is required for final inspection. So very heavy; difficult for one person to move into place.




6. Bathroom fixtures



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