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Twilight Pilgrimmage     The "Twilight" self-guiding tour was Objective #1 for one of our party.
Must-see sights of Forks Dead Man Pilgrimmage Fathers Day Dinner in Forks
Twilight mania has faded considerably in the past ten years. The self-guiding tour is still intact, as are at least two "Twilight" souvenir stores in Forks. Our time was short so I did not insist on seeking out the "Dead Man" self-guilding tour. It is possible there isn't one.

1. Must-see sights of Forks
The full self-guiding tour has about 30 stops. We hit about the most important seven. (Wait - you are unfamiliar with the TV series "Twilight"?)
Before "Twilight" was the forest, site of many of the largest living beings on planet Earth. All gone now.

2. Dead Man Pilgrimmage
"Twilight" took priority over "Dead Man." Since we did not visit the "Dead Man" sites, I can only recall the landscapes of the movie near which our route brought us.
"The affairs of this world will no longer be your concern."
_deadmanshootingfinale.jpg Jim Jarmusch on the set as they shoot the finale.

3. Fathers Day Dinner in Forks
COVID raged. Only one or two restaurants were open. The pizza place from which we planned to take out, ran out of ingredients and had to close. We bought a couple of salad kits at Safeway. "Happy Father's Day!"
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