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Kiso '74     Kisoji, the Old Nakasendo, was the route the daimyos took to go to Edo. Tsumago was the town they stayed.
Yamanashi Nezame no toko (Urashima) Kisoji
Kiso '74. We went on our last trip as a family before Koichi got married.

1. Yamanashi
June 1974, we took afamily trip to Kiso Region.
Vineyards in Yamanashi.
Rice planting


As a mountain country, Kiso is known for its lumber industry.

2. Nezame no toko (Urashima)
Nezae no toko, on the Kiso river, is a well known tourist spot for its beautiful rock formation.












3. Kisoji
The trip was in the rainy season in June. There was not many people and the walk on the Kisoji trail was beautiful.




















Baby swallows.
We could see an old woman making Kiso horse from straws.
Nice sugitama display.






4. Tsumago
The village of Tsumago is on the Kiso trail where the samurai daimyos stayed on their travels to and from Edo. It still takes one back to those days.

















These walls sticking out is called 'udatsu' to prevent fire from spreading next door.



Various laws posted outside



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