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Mexico '73 Dec.     Diego Riverra's mural in Mexico City
Arizona Countryside Guadelajara
Village on the road Guanajuato San Miguel de Allende
Mexico City Teotihuacan Pyramids Pattern Language Mexico project
Mexico, Dec. '73. During Christmas holidays, I decided to take a bus trip to Mexico, inspite of my parents' objections. I figured there wouldn't be much danger if I went disguised as a boy. I had about a week and not much money. With a book "Mexico on $2 a day" as my guide, I ventured into a country I did not speak the language.

1. Arizona
Arizona. I am not sure where I entered Mexico, but Nogales sounds right.


2. Countryside
Views from the bus in the countryside in north Mexico.










3. Guadelajara
The first big city I stayed was Guadalajara. Not having any kind of transportation other than my feet, my range of exploration was limited. I was impressed with their big market. People were busy preparing for the big holiday.













San Juande Dios Market








Guadalajara Cathedral
Some parts were in repair

Plaza Guadalajara

Gazebo in front of government Palace


Gazebo in Plaza de Armas









Mariachis serenading

With oil shock, they were reducing Christmas lights in US but here, in Mexico, it was bright.
Sugar canes for sale

4. Village on the road
Towns and country scenery from the bus.

Agave field
Corn after harvest








5. Guanajuato
Guanajuato was the next big city. There was the University of Guanajuato and many beautiful churches at the city center.


Competing TV antennas





University of Guanajuato
Collegiate Basillica of OUr Lady of Guanajuato

The University of Guanajuato














6. San Miguel de Allende
San Miguel de Allende was a stop on the way to Mexico City. Walking around, I came across an unusual site, a communal laundry park.

The donkeys are still the main load carrier.

The bus had a flat tire.



Our Lady of Healthe Church



Main Church of the city.




Walking around, I came to an interesting site, a cummunal laundry place in the park.










7. Mexico City
Mexico City was my main destination. I might have stayed here for three days because I had difficulty getting a bus ticket to the Pyramid which was some distance away. I spent some time at musuems. The National Museum of Anthropology was fantastic.









National Palace
Diego Rivera murals at the National Palace





National Palace


National Museum of Anthropology







Palace of Fine Arts

Metropolitan Cathedral













Church of Santiago and Aztec ruins. Plza de las Tres Culturas.



8. Teotihuacan Pyramids
Teotihuacan Pyramid is located 40 km from Mexico City. It was built in the pre-Columbian Americas (1-500 AD). I was only able to get tickets for late afternoon, almost closing time and didn't have much time. The Museum had closed. Since I took an extra day to see the Pyramids, I had to ride on the bus 48 hours straight back to the US.






Museum had closed.
Pyramid of the Moon
Pyramid of the Sun from the top of Pyramid of the Moon
Avenue of the Dead
Sunset at Teotihuacan
Pyramid of the Moon is at the end


Pyramid of the Moon at the Avenue of the Dead.



9. Pattern Language Mexico project
My fellow students, Don, Jenny, and Howard worked on the project in Mexico with Pattern Language after graduating Architecture School in 1974. I was in Japan and did not see this project.










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