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Berkeley '71-74     Graduation '74
Around UC campus Around 100 Arden Rd CED graduation
Houses in Berkeley Arch School projects  
Berkeley '71-74.Three years in Berkeley was fun. I had a great time and learned a lot, not so much about architecture, but about people and living.

1. Around UC campus
The '60s student protests were over but the hippie culture was still strong.
View of the UC campus from the hills.
Sather Gate

Sproul Plaza








Piko-san. She came from a hippie commune in Suwanosejima, Japan.

Yoko visited fron L.A..
Wurster Hall in the back.
University Musseum
Hearst Mining Hall




Moffit Library
South Hall
Life Sciences Building


Wurster Hall


Street food venders at the edge of campus




Telegraph Avenue craft venders





Pico-san and Namo(?) selling Native American jewery




2. Around 100 Arden Rd
Five of us architecture students rented a professor's house on the hills at 100 Arden Road. It was a beautiful house with a wonderful view of the Bay and San Francisco. The view of the sunset was spectacular. We enjoyed each others company, argued a lot about classes, professors, and the profession in general until late at night.

Steps starting at the bottom of Panoranic Way continued 338 steps to our house.








Windows with a view.



Wit Elenor next door.
Piko-san and Elenor
Dean testifying on Watergate.







































Our house on 100 Arden Rd.
When Hisa came to the US, he stayed with us for about 2 months before driving off to New York.

3. CED graduation
Architecture school. Staying late at Wurster studio was not fun.
Wurster studio. allen and Mickey



Takina a nap after staying up late the night before
Graduation in the courtyard.
















4. Houses in Berkeley
Samples of housing in Berkeley.














5. Arch School projects
Architecture School projects.
Studying Oscar's hamburger place for redesign.







Nearby eateries.

Our first project was redesigning a building. I chose Oscar's hamburger joint and went around taking pictures of related fastfood places.








Houseboat project






Early Learning Center project. It was to be built next to the Berkeley Adult School.




The site for the Early Learning Center









Mobile health screening clinic project



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