Destruction of Bridge 12/31/2005     

Winter; construction waits
Similar view, before destruction - 1/2005
Winter; construction waits
50 Year Flood
A seething stew of floating debris brings
wonton destruction: 100 stream-channel trees uprooted in the bridge vicinity,
a drastic re-shape of the creek channel occurs,
a mountain of debris is deposited.

South tower after erectioni

Winter - high water
Nature asserts! We will not repeat the mistake of underestimating Her.
Following summer, construction resumes
6x6's snapped as if twigs
Deck extends all the way

From below


"Bridge to Winter"
The cross section of the creek channel changed completely

Hanging the deck

Nature's victory not total: The cables and the south tower survived

Cloudy; from south

From below

The high-water level

"Bridge to Winter"


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