"At first observation, Tokyo reveals two basic characterisitics: firstly, it appears as a chaotic, cyclonic mass; secondly, it is formed almost entirely of new, or at least recently constructed buildings. What justifies the analogy with a cyclone is the city's chaotic, dynamic and boundless bulk, and the shock the unprepared visitor thus undergoes. In addition, everything seems to revolve, vortex-like, around an empty nucleus - the eye of the storm - formed by the Imperial Palace and the large park surrounding it." Livio Sacchi      
To Kansai Lunch Tokyo, Omotosando
Kyoto Osaka! Nezu museum garden
Kyoto, folliage Osaka, Shinsaibashi Shibuya crossing
Kyoto, Prince Hotel Osaka AM Shibuya 109
Fushimi Shrine Osaka, Umeda Shibuya, dinner
Tsukemono Tokyo Return "Live House"
Sanzenin Tokyo return Hello, Sunagin!
Gion Tokyo, shopping Greenway at night
Pontocho Tokyo, lights  
Nishiki Market Mt. Mitake vicinity  
Click on any for a larger view

To Kansai
1. Kyoto
Without delay - to Kyoto
276 _10Nov22-nih10_1850 Buying shinkansen tickets. That's Obaachan with her old person cart.
276 _10Nov22-nih10_2140 The splendid Kyoto train station
276 _10Nov22-nih10_2145
277 _10Nov22-nih10_2146
277 _10Nov22-nih10_2147
278 _10Nov22-nih10_2149
278 _10Nov22-nih10_2310 Used bookstore near Setsuko's

To Kansai
2. Kyoto, folliage
At a little known shrine, famorite of Setsuko's
279 _10Nov23-nih10_0010
279 _10Nov23-nih10_0011
280 _10Nov23-nih10_0011a
281 _10Nov23-nih10_0012
281 _10Nov23-nih10_0015
281 _10Nov23-nih10_0018
282 _10Nov23-nih10_0021

To Kansai
3. Kyoto, Prince Hotel
After dinner with Tatsushi at the Prince Hotel, Kyoto
7 _10Nov22-nih10_1638

To Kansai
4. Fushimi Shrine
Fushimi shrine (famed for torii and for foxes)
283 _10Nov23-nih10_1832
283 _10Nov23-nih10_1838b
283 _10Nov23-nih10_1854
284 _10Nov23-nih10_1854a
284 _10Nov23-nih10_1919
285 _10Nov23-nih10_1924
286 _10Nov23-nih10_1926
286 _10Nov23-nih10_1928
287 _10Nov23-nih10_1931a
287 _10Nov23-nih10_1937 Those rocks must embody powerful spirits.
288 _10Nov23-nih10_2004 Nearly everybody in Japan visits in this season (it seems)
289 _10Nov23-nih10_2005
290 _10Nov23-nih10_2008
290 _10Nov23-nih10_2011
290 _10Nov23-nih10_2023a

To Kansai
5. Tsukemono
Lunch at famous Tsukemono factory
290 _10Nov23-nih10_2205 Look closer!
291 _10Nov23-nih10_2206

To Kansai
6. Sanzenin
Sanzenin Temple
292 _10Nov23-nih10_2259 Along the approach
303 _10Nov23-nihon10_2305 Jizos.
303 _10Nov23-nihon10_2305a More Jizos.
293 _10Nov23-nih10_2308 The stairs just outside the temple wall
294 _10Nov23-nih10_2309
303 _10Nov23-nihon10_2309
295 _10Nov23-nih10_2310
296 _10Nov23-nih10_2315
296 _10Nov23-nih10_2316
297 _10Nov23-nih10_2316a
298 _10Nov23-nih10_2316b
299 _10Nov23-nih10_2317
299 _10Nov23-nih10_2319
301 _10Nov23-nih10_2322
303 _10Nov23-nihon10_2324 This garden is the "pond viewing" type.
303 _10Nov23-nihon10_2325
303 _10Nov23-nihon10_2326
303 _10Nov23-nihon10_2328
303 _10Nov23-nihon10_2329
303 _10Nov23-nihon10_2329a
303 _10Nov23-nihon10_2330
303 _10Nov23-nihon10_2334
302 _10Nov23-nih10_2335
303 _10Nov23-nihon10_2337
303 _10Nov23-nihon10_2338
303 _10Nov23-nihon10_2348
303 _10Nov23-nihon10_2353
312 _10Nov24-nihon10_0015
312 _10Nov24-nihon10_0015a
312 _10Nov24-nihon10_0015b
303 _10Nov24-nih10_0017

To Kansai
7. Gion
Gion street after dusk (the Geisha district)
305 _10Nov24-nih10_0342 On the prowl to spot Geisha.
7 _10Nov23-nih10_1505
8 _10Nov23-nih10_1507

To Kansai
8. Pontocho
Dinner at Pontocho akachochin
306 _10Nov24-nih10_0445 Pontocho is the old, impossibly narrow street paralleling the river; nearly all restaurants.
308 _10Nov24-nih10_0448

To Kansai
9. Nishiki Market
Nishiki market arcade, Kyoto, before the crowds
9 _10Nov24-nih10_0518
309 _10Nov24-nih10_1804
312 _10Nov24-nihon10_1803
312 _10Nov24-nihon10_1804
312 _10Nov24-nihon10_1811
310 _10Nov24-nih10_1808
312 _10Nov24-nihon10_1830
312 _10Nov24-nihon10_1830a

To Kansai
10. Lunch
Lunch at renowned chicken restaurant near Setsuko's
311 _10Nov24-nih10_2205

To Kansai
11. Osaka!
Family gathering at Tomonari's place, new building, in Osaka
312 _10Nov25-nih10_0232a
313 _10Nov25-nih10_0233
314 _10Nov25-nih10_0234
316 _10Nov25-nih10_0235a
317 _10Nov25-nih10_0235c
318 _10Nov25-nih10_0535b
319 _10Nov25-nih10_0536
320 _10Nov25-nih10_0536e
321 _10Nov25-nih10_0600
322 _10Nov25-nih10_0601
323 _10Nov25-nih10_0606
324 _10Nov25-nih10_0606a

To Kansai
12. Osaka, Shinsaibashi
Shinsaibashi, nearly midnight on a Thursday
325 _10Nov25-nih10_0711
331 _10Nov25-nihon10_0711 Signifying fugu delirium.
331 _10Nov25-nihon10_0712a "Tokyo people 'die' for clothes but Osaka people 'die' for food."
331 _10Nov25-nihon10_0717

To Kansai
13. Osaka AM
Breakfast, and tour of the new building
326 _10Nov25-nih10_1709
331 _10Nov25-nihon10_1753 Roof garden on level 8.
328 _10Nov25-nih10_1756

To Kansai
14. Osaka, Umeda
Umeda station - above ground view
329 _10Nov25-nih10_1940
330 _10Nov25-nih10_1941a

Tokyo Return
15. Tokyo return
"Franco Purini once said that Tokyo proves that God does not exist. This is a credible thesis if you consider the city's chaotic conformation, its lack of any hierarchical structure, its unbridled consumerism, the impenetrability of its ethical and spiritual dimension - if such a dimension exists." Livio Sacchi
331 _10Nov28-nih10_0040 Park near Koichi's residence
331 _10Nov28-nih10_0126 Light display near Koichi's

Tokyo Return
16. Tokyo, shopping
Shopping in Ginza
332 _10Nov28-nih10_2306 Lunch at Tsukiji, resturant wedged in the gap between two corrugated steel sheds.
332 _10Nov28-nih10_2332
332 _10Nov28-nih10_2341
10 _10Nov28-nih10_0937 Priest awaiting alms, in the middle of Ginza
332 _10Nov29-nih10_0117 Night falls on Ginza
333 _10Nov29-nih10_0121a
334 _10Nov29-nih10_0124
335 _10Nov29-nih10_0127b

Tokyo Return
17. Tokyo, lights
Illumination in Roppongi
336 _10Nov29-nih10_0224
337 _10Nov29-nih10_0224a
337 _10Nov29-nih10_0225
337 _10Nov29-nih10_0232
338 _10Nov29-nih10_0234
339 _10Nov29-nih10_0236a
340 _10Nov29-nih10_0237
341 _10Nov29-nih10_0240a
342 _10Nov29-nih10_0252
343 _10Nov29-nih10_0256
344 _10Nov29-nih10_0257a
345 _10Nov29-nih10_0301
346 _10Nov29-nih10_0301a

Tokyo Return
18. Mt. Mitake vicinity
Near Mt. Mitake, a day with Yoshimura and Itsuko
347 _10Nov29-nih10_2103 The station, just opposite Yoshimura's house.
348 _10Nov29-nih10_2143 Making soba
348 _10Nov29-nih10_2154
349 _10Nov29-nih10_2154b
350 _10Nov29-nih10_2154c
350 _10Nov29-nih10_2155
351 _10Nov29-nih10_2157
352 _10Nov29-nih10_2157a
353 _10Nov29-nih10_2241 Enjoying the river
353 _10Nov29-nih10_2242
353 _10Nov29-nih10_2245
353 _10Nov29-nih10_2313
354 _10Nov29-nih10_2313a
354 _10Nov29-nih10_2314
354 _10Nov29-nih10_2322
354 _10Nov29-nih10_2343 The sake plant
354 _10Nov29-nih10_2343a
354 _10Nov29-nih10_2344
354 _10Nov30-nih10_0008 Kanzakura near the Onsen. It blooms in winter.
355 _10Nov30-nih10_0009
356 _10Nov30-nih10_0152 Preparing dinner, the Olde Fashion
356 _10Nov30-nih10_0152a
356 _10Nov30-nih10_0156
356 _10Nov30-nih10_0200a Powering up the hot charcoal (this process went on for a while)
357 _10Nov30-nih10_0217b
357 _10Nov30-nih10_0229a
358 _10Nov30-nih10_0239a
359 _10Nov30-nih10_0239c
360 _10Nov30-nih10_0327 While waiting for the fish, savoring Yoshimura's legacy sword
361 _10Nov30-nih10_0327a
361 _10Nov30-nih10_0327b
362 _10Nov30-nih10_0328
362 _10Nov30-nih10_0328a
363 _10Nov30-nih10_0329
363 _10Nov30-nih10_0356 Fish nearly ready
364 _10Nov30-nih10_0415

Tokyo Return
19. Tokyo, Omotosando
Omotosando, headed for museum
365 _10Nov30-nih10_1830 Designer Row, in Omotesando
365 _10Nov30-nih10_1831a
366 _10Nov30-nih10_1831b
366 _10Nov30-nih10_1832a

Tokyo Return
20. Nezu museum garden
The tea garden of the Nezu museum
367 _10Nov30-nih10_2006a
367 _10Nov30-nih10_2007a
367 _10Nov30-nih10_2008
367 _10Nov30-nih10_2011a
367 _10Nov30-nih10_2012
368 _10Nov30-nih10_2014
368 _10Nov30-nih10_2015
368 _10Nov30-nih10_2025
369 _10Nov30-nih10_2026a
369 _10Nov30-nih10_2032
369 _10Nov30-nih10_2032a

Tokyo Return
21. Shibuya crossing
Shibuya crossing - highways and pedestraian overpasses.
246 _10Dec01-nih10_0152a The below-ground is far more complicated.
247 _10Dec01-nih10_0152b
248 _10Dec01-nih10_0152c
249 _10Dec01-nih10_0152e
250 _10Dec01-nih10_0152f
251 _10Dec01-nih10_0153b
252 _10Dec01-nih10_0153d
253 _10Dec01-nih10_0153e

Tokyo Return
22. Shibuya 109
Shibuya, in front of the 109 building
11 _10Nov30-nih10_1322 Always a pleasure to see Hatchiko.
254 _10Dec01-nih10_0200a Approaching the 109 building
255 _10Dec01-nih10_0200b
256 _10Dec01-nih10_0201a (the Blair doll bag can be faintly seen. Oops - Blythe.)
257 _10Dec01-nih10_0201b

Tokyo Return
23. Shibuya, dinner
Shibuya, dinner at an akachochin run by Itsuko's fish store
258 _10Dec01-nih10_0324
260 _10Dec01-nih10_0326
264 _10Dec01-nih10_0526
266 _10Dec01-nih10_0547
261 _10Dec01-nih10_0335a Anyone for oysters?
262 _10Dec01-nih10_0448
263 _10Dec01-nih10_0449
265 _10Dec01-nih10_0528a How about Fugu (blowfish) nabe!

Tokyo Return
24. "Live House"
At last Tami finds the way to a Tokyo "Live House"
11 _10Nov30-nih10_1639
11 _10Nov30-nih10_1645
12 _10Nov30-nih10_1648
13 _10Nov30-nih10_1700 Wait - is Tami the youngest person in the audience??
13 _10Nov30-nih10_1730

Tokyo Return
25. Hello, Sunagin!
Sunamachi Ginza, near Obaachan's place
267 _10Dec01-nih10_1904 In spite of the new shopping mall nearby, customers have not deserted the old way of shopping.
267 _10Dec01-nih10_1904a
268 _10Dec01-nih10_2008
268 _10Dec01-nih10_2008a

Tokyo Return
26. Greenway at night
Views of the greenway beside Obaachan's place, at night.
268 _10Dec02-nih10_0154
269 _10Dec02-nih10_0205
270 _10Dec02-nih10_0205a
271 _10Dec02-nih10_0212
272 _10Dec02-nih10_0213a
273 _10Dec02-nih10_0214

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