Design Construction Construction "Post-construction"
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Design Construction
1. Construction
A Kura is a traditional Japanese fireproof storage building containing the family "treasures." So is this. Except, it's not fireproof and its contents are not treasures. Note weekly progress. Coincided with the 2007 heat wave. 120 degree days.
10 _07Aug21-0707tower
10 _07Aug22-kur_0818
10 _06Jun24-kur_1755
10 _06Jun24-kur_1756
10 _06Jul16-kur_0926
10 _06Jul22-kur_0939
10 _06Jul22-kur_0939a
10 _06Jul22-kur_1636
104 _06Jul29_P1000099
10 _06Aug05-kur_1938
10 _06Aug05-kur_1938a
10 _06Aug19-kur_1145
10 _06Aug19-kur_1939a
10 _06Aug26-kur_1942
10 _06Aug26-kur_1943
107 _06Sep16_P1000427
10 _06Sep16-kur_1056
10 _06Sep24-kur_1034
10 _06Sep24-kur_1446
10 _06Sep24-kur_1910
10 _06Dec25-kur_0126
10 _07May27-kur_1743a

Design Construction
2. "Post-construction"
It isn't done? Oh - did you want me to SIDE it?
62 _08Nov02-nm_1638
62 _08Nov23-nm_1715
62 _08Nov29-nm_1515
62 _08Oct11-nm_1151
63 _08Oct11-nm_1152
69 _08Sep20-nm_1210b
70 _08Sep20-nm_1854

Design Construction
3. Contents
No sooner a roof than filled up to it.
10 _06Sep22-kur_0755 Two main purposes. Purpose 1: the "Laura Memorial Library"
109 _06Sep22_P1000452
10 _060922VanToShed
60 _07Apr29-kur_0737
60 _07Apr29-kur_0738
60 _07Apr29-kur_0738a
64 _08Oct11-nm_1152a Purpose 2: Cache some of the scraps from the milled old growth redwood logs.
65 _08Oct11-nm_1153
66 _08Oct11-nm_1153a
67 _08Oct11-nm_1153b
68 _08Oct11-nm_1154