Prev: Replacing the lost pier   (3 total pages) Click on any for a larger view   Next: Rerouting Mill Creek
Clearing flood debris     Every bit of this mountain must be dragged from the ravine.
After disaster, where to start? Tether the leaning tower Water has receded
Clearing piece by piece The debris moves from creek to bank Big problem: creek has changed course
Clearing flood debris

1. After disaster, where to start?
No photo seems to capture the magnitude of the mess deposited in the ravine just below the creek. The ravine was widened by at least 15 feet as the water roared around the deposited mountan of debris.



















2. Tether the leaning tower
One of the end posts was just dangling in air.Hence at that end the tower was keeled to an angle making it difficult to keep ones's footing at that end. I attached a cable from one of the post towers to an enormous tree which had fallen the previous summer. By this means I could pull the tower to approximate vertical.



3. Water has receded
By June the water has mostly receded. But the entire width of the newly-widened ravine is now the stream course. Most of the water if flowing in a new course about 12' from the old course.









4. Clearing piece by piece
Piece by piec I drag out the debris. It took all summer.






To relieve the strain on the tethering cable somewhat I jammed bracing beneath the dangling post.


5. The debris moves from creek to bank



6. Big problem: creek has changed course






Prev: Replacing the lost pier   (3 total pages) Click on any for a larger view   Next: Rerouting Mill Creek

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