Prev: Help needed   (5 total pages) Click on any for a larger view   Next: Weeks 6, 7, 8
Framing help     By sendipity I met Antoio. ActuallyI had met and hired him for a day several years before. He recognized me.
First week Antonio and Bruce End of Week 4
Scaffold delivery hell    
I over-prepared to hire unknown guy to help me. I will pick him up in Healdsburg and return him to there in late afternoon. I applied color-coded marks to the lumber and think how to explain the work.

1. First week
With help a first day's progress is more than satisfactory. On level 2 you can see the easel on which I had posted th plans.



2. Antonio and Bruce
Second and third week of teamwork - June 10, 18.



On Thursdays we work together


3. End of Week 4








4. Scaffold delivery hell
I rented the truck after work and drove to the house of the guy who advertised a scaffold for sale. He was excited to find a buyer. I wanted while he pried scaffold components up from the weeds in his backyard. He could not find the full 12 sections he had promised so I paid for what he had; it was getting late. Afterward I drove the truck to Nash Mill. The next morning I unloaded and returns to the Bay Area.



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