Sunrise viewing, not quite as popular as sunset
142 _17Oct16-sw17_0747 The others at the lookout are still. They have forgotten themselves. It's like sharing a prayer.
129 _17Oct16-sw17_0649a
131 _17Oct16-sw17_0652
132 _17Oct16-sw17_0654
136 _17Oct16-sw17_0718
139 _17Oct16-sw17_0744
140 _17Oct16-sw17_0744a
North Rim Lodge
128 _17Oct15-sw17_1627 Fall aspen
136 _17Oct16-sw17_0740 Lodge dining room
137 _17Oct16-sw17_0742
When one has stood on the rim for a while, there is curiosity about what is below. The Kaibab Trail leads into the canyon, connecting to Phantom Ranch and Bright Angel Trail.
145 _17Oct16-sw17_0900
146 _17Oct16-sw17_0901
147 _17Oct16-sw17_0915
148 _17Oct16-sw17_0924
148 _17Oct16-sw17_0943 This human-provided water source hosts a frenzy of animal and plant life.
149 _17Oct16-sw17_0947
150 _17Oct16-sw17_0953
150 _17Oct16-sw17_0955
150 _17Oct16-sw17_0956
152 _17Oct16-sw17_1007 In the distance, the bridge which is today's goal.
152 _17Oct16-sw17_1011
152 _17Oct16-sw17_1026
153 _17Oct16-sw17_1030
154 _17Oct16-sw17_1041
154 _17Oct16-sw17_1048 The bridge is 2200' below the rim. We considered this a sufficient trail sample and stamina test. The remainder of the day had to contain much else.
154 _17Oct16-sw17_1129
154 _17Oct16-sw17_1143
155 _17Oct16-sw17_1304a Lunch break
Cape Royal Road lookouts
156 _17Oct16-sw17_1500 Cape Royal Road offers vistas quite different from those at Bright Angel Point near the lodge.
159 _17Oct16-sw17_1513 "Cliff rose"
159 _17Oct16-sw17_1523
161 _17Oct16-sw17_1525 "Angel's Window", and the Colorado River far beyond
166 _17Oct16-sw17_1531
167 _17Oct16-sw17_1532 "Big Sage" in bloom
191 _17Oct16-sw17_1609
172 _17Oct16-sw17_1537 Unidentified shrub
172 _17Oct16-sw17_1537a
175 _17Oct16-sw17_1538d Views from the lookout point at the end of the road.
178 _17Oct16-sw17_1539d In the distance, the Colorado
181 _17Oct16-sw17_1541
183 _17Oct16-sw17_1541b