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Togakushi Shrine     We could not get to the upper shrine. Snow was still too deep.
Shrine Vicinity  
Togakushi Shrine consists of five shrines, known as the lower, middle, and upper shrine area (Togakushi Hōkō-sha, Hino-miko-sha, Togakushi Chū-sha, Togakushi Oku-sha and Kuzuryu-sha respectively), each area about 2 km apart. The approach to the upper shrine is lined with over 300 Cryptomeria trees, some believed up to 900 years old.
In one theory, the upper shrine, or Oku-sha, is said to have been first constructed in the 5th year of the Emperor Kogen (210 BC) while Buddhist tradition holds that a monk named Gakumon discovered the Oku-sha area and began the practice of Shugendo there in the 2nd year of the Kasha era (849 AD). According to the Nihon-Shoki, the Emperor Tenmu had a map of the area made in 684 AD and a temporary building built the following year.
Togakushi shrine was a pilgrimage site during the following eight centuries. Its name was ranked with the Ise-jingu Shrine, Koya-san Temple and Enryaku-ji temples. Togakushisan Kansyuin Kenkou-ji was the formal name of the Togakushi Temple.

1. Shrine

2. Vicinity
_19apr09-b_1606.jpg The decline of the rural population is evident. A shame to lose this old folk-house to neglect.
_19apr09-b_1625.jpg Waiting for an infrequent bus, there was time to savor the snow-capped mounts all around.
_19apr09-b_1626.jpg Add to my artisinal manhole cover collection.
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